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LISBONWHEELS, Uni­pes­soal, Lda., with head­quar­ters at --------, Lis­boa, NIF -------------, (herei­naf­ter cal­led “LESSOR”) rents Cus­to­mer, bet­ter iden­ti­fied on the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as “LESSEE ”), the motorcy­cle, best iden­ti­fied on the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as” VEHICLE ”), the fol­lowing terms and con­di­ti­ons with which the LESSEE agrees and repre­sents that it has full kno­wledge, and is bound to observe them and res­pect them:

Arti­cle 1. º (Deli­very & Return of the VEHICLE)

1. The LESSEE ins­pec­ted and recei­ved the VEHICLE in per­fect con­di­tion except for the damage indi­ca­ted on the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment and / or in an atta­ched document.

2. The LESSEE under­ta­kes to return the VEHICLE, to the LESSOR, in the exact con­di­ti­ons unde which it was deli­ve­red on the date and at the place spe­ci­fied in the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment otherwise, not doing, not con­si­de­ring ending the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment (namely, The LESSEE shall return the VEHICLE until 18:30 of the date spe­ci­fied in the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment, fai­ling, fai­ling that, be char­ged an extra day to use the VEHICLE).

3. The return of the VEHICLE is only con­si­de­red valid after veri­fi­ca­tion of the same by a repre­sen­ta­tive of the LESSOR, and LESSEE is res­pon­si­ble for the pay­ment of all dama­ges incur­red in VEHICLE until that moment.

Arti­cle 2. (Use the VEHICLE)

1. The LESSEE shall be at least 18 years and carry an valid iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card and dri­ving license.

2. VEHICLE can only be con­duc­ted by LESSEE.

3. The LESSEE under­ta­kes not to use the VEHICLE or not to allow it to be used:

a) for the car­ri­age of pas­sen­gers or goods in exchange for any com­pen­sa­tion or remu­ne­ra­tion impli­cit or expli­cit, wha­te­ver the form of com­mit­ment, inclu­ding suble­ase;
b) to push or pull or tow any vehi­cle and / or any other object, has whe­els or not;
c) for spor­ting events, offi­cial or not;
d) by peo­ple under the influ­ence of drugs, alcohol or nar­co­tics;
e) for car­ri­age of pas­sen­gers or goods in vio­la­tion of that, on the mat­ter is avai­la­ble on the regis­tra­tion of pro­perty of VEHICLE;
f) out­side Portugal.

4. The LESSEE is solely res­pon­si­ble civilly and cri­mi­nally in the use of the VEHICLE.

5. The LESSEE shall be lia­ble for fines and other penal­ties are esta­blished fol­lowing the res­pec­tive pro­ces­ses of offense, in the use of the VEHICLE.

6. The LESSEE under­ta­kes to, out­side peri­ods of use, have VEHICLE pro­perly secu­red and loc­ked and not leave the same docu­ments the­reto notwiths­tan­ding, in any case, always be thei bearer.

7. Any bre­ach of the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment and these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons gives the LESSOR the right to with­draw VEHICLE to LESSEE, without notice and without pre­ju­dice to the claims that under law or con­tract is obli­ged to satisfy this.

Arti­cle 3. º (Ren­tal price VEHICLE)

1. The ren­tal price of the VEHICLE, the amount of pre­pay­ment and value of the exten­sion will be deter­mi­ned by the rates in force at the time and paid in advance.

2. If you want to stick with the LESSEE VEHICLE beyond the period ori­gi­nally agreed on the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment, in order to avoid dis­pu­tes, the LESSEE agrees to first obtain the con­sent of LESSEE and paya­ble imme­di­a­tely in the ren­tal price course and pre­pay the extension.

3. The price inclu­des: unli­mi­ted Kms, VAT, lia­bi­lity insu­rance and limi­ted cove­rage for col­li­sion damage (in case of acci­dent the LESSEE is finan­ci­ally res­pon­si­ble to the mini­mum amount of the deduc­ti­ble in case of vio­la­tion of con­tract terms, lar­ceny / theft VEHICLE or parts the­reof, the res­pon­si­bi­lity of LESSEE vai until the maxi­mum value of the fran­chise), main­te­nance, lubri­cants, hel­met and cap. The per­so­nal acci­dent insu­rance for the dri­ver and pas­sen­ger can be subs­cri­bed separately.

4. The price does not include: fuel, per­so­nal acci­dent insu­rance, addi­ti­o­nal dri­ver, par­king fees, fines, towing VEHICLE in case of acci­dent or by the autho­ri­ties and VEHICLE damage even if they are cau­sed by third parties.

5. The VEHICLE is deli­ve­red with a full tank and must be retur­ned in the same way, otherwise a fee of 10.00 Euros, as well as the mis­sing fuel will be char­ged to LESSEE. In case of intro­duc­tion of a dif­fe­rent type of fuel used by the VEHICLE, the LESSEE is res­pon­si­ble for any and all expen­ses rela­ted to the full repla­ce­ment of the fuel remo­val and tank cle­a­ning, engine tuning and other damage to the VEHICLE.

Arti­cle 4. (Pay­ment of lease VEHICLE)

1. The esti­ma­ted cost of the ren­tal VEHICLE must be paid with the sig­ning of the Ren­tal Agreement.

2. The LESSEE shall also pay a depo­sit, which inte­gra­tes value sta­ted in the con­tract, inclu­ding the deduc­ti­ble insu­rance to cover pos­si­ble damage and fuel, among others.

3. The pay­ment of the rent and the depo­sit requi­red VEHICLE must be made, pre­fe­ra­bly by cre­dit card.

4. The LESSEE expres­sly under­ta­kes to pay to LESSOR as soon as reques­ted, the fol­lowing costs:
a) the amount cor­res­pon­ding to the damage cau­sed in the event of theft, damage cau­sed by acci­dent not cove­red by insu­rance, and the insu­rance pre­mium of the dri­ver, if such insu­rance has been agreed;
b) all taxes and / or fees requi­red under the cir­cums­tan­ces des­cri­bed in sub­pa­ra­graphs a) and b);
c) the amount cor­res­pon­ding to the fuel, in case the LESSEE does not return the VEHICLE as pro­vi­ded in Arti­cle 1;
d) all expen­ses, legal or extra­le­gal, inclu­ding admi­nis­tra­tive expen­ses mana­ge­ment pro­ces­ses, as well as fines and penal­ties, wha­te­ver its nature, in which the LESSOR incur direct or indi­rect con­se­quence of a bre­ach of any sta­tu­tory or regu­la­tory attri­bu­ta­ble to LESSOR or VEHICLE while held by the LESSOR, although kno­wledge of these expen­ses or costs occa­si­o­ned only after the return of the VEHICLE;
e) all other expen­ses, inclu­ding legal, attorney’s fees or soli­ci­tor hired by LESSOR to get the pay­ment of any sums due by LESSEE;
f) all costs bur­den small VEHICLE damage that result from the use of the LESSEE at the time of hire, for this pur­pose we con­si­der the damage done at the time of retur­ning the VEHICLE and not mar­ked on the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment at the time of its incep­tion and whose veri­fi­ca­tion is the joint obli­ga­tion of LESSOR and LESSEE;
g) the cost of repai­ring the damage and that the LESSEE has given cause for shock, col­li­sion, over­tur­ning and / or theft of the VEHICLE and its immo­bi­li­za­tion, and the cost of their mana­ge­ment of the claims process.

Arti­cle 5. º (Other obli­ga­ti­ons of LESSEE)

The LESSEE further under­ta­kes to:
a) res­pect the war­nings indi­ca­tors VEHICLE (namely, need for revi­sion, repla­ce­ment of oil and­faults), con­tac­ting, imme­di­a­tely, the LESSOR in case of appe­a­rance of any of the noti­ces men­ti­o­ned;
b) not to make any alte­ra­tion, modi­fi­ca­tion or repair in VEHICLE without the prior express writ­ten con­sent of the LESSOR.

Arti­cle 6. º (Insurance)

1. The LESSEE par­ti­ci­pa­tes as an insu­red of an insu­rance policy cove­ring civil lia­bi­lity to third par­ties in accor­dance with appli­ca­ble laws in the coun­try 2. The LESSEE agrees to pro­tect the inte­rests of the LESSOR and the LESSOR Insu­rance Com­pany in an acci­dent during the period of this ren­tal as fol­lows:
a) under­ta­kes to par­ti­ci­pate imme­di­a­tely the LESSOR and the com­pe­tent autho­ri­ties any acci­dent, theft, fire, even par­tial;
b) under­ta­kes to men­tion par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the cir­cums­tan­ces in which the acci­dent occur­red, the date, time, loca­tion, name and address of the wit­ness, the name and address of the owner and the dri­ver of the third party invol­ved and regis­tra­tion marks, Insu­rance Com­pany and policy num­ber of such third vehi­cle;
c) under­ta­kes not to declare in no way res­pon­si­ble or guilty of the acci­dent from the third party.

3. The LESSEE ack­no­wled­ges that LESSOR has no res­pon­si­bi­lity for loss, theft, theft or damage of any kind rela­ting to objects and / or uten­sils or are trans­por­ted in VEHICLE, inclu­ding, lug­gage and / or cargo.

4. If the LESSEE to the LESSOR has pro­vi­ded deli­be­ra­tely false infor­ma­tion, par­ti­cu­larly con­cer­ning the iden­tity, address or vali­dity of the license to LESSOR reser­ves the right to charge to the LESSEE all costs and dama­ges incur­red resul­ting from such statements.

Arti­cle 7. º (Per­so­nal Data)

The LESSEE agrees and accepts the col­lec­tion and pro­ces­sing of their per­so­nal data by LESSOR or autho­rity to do so, in accor­dance with the rules of data pro­tec­tion, the fol­lowing terms and con­di­ti­ons:
a) The data col­lec­ted under LESSEE sig­ning of the ren­tal pro­ces­sed by LESSOR are indis­pen­sa­ble to the con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship between the par­ties, its omis­sion or inac­cu­racy are the sole res­pon­si­bi­lity of the LESSEE;
b) per­so­nal data of the LESSEE will be pro­ces­sed and sto­red in accor­dance with appli­ca­ble law, and are inten­ded to be used by LESSOR under the con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship with the LESSEE, inclu­ding, in the case of bre­ach of con­tract for fai­lure to pay­ment, a data­base of cus­to­mers defaul­ting, and for direct mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses or any other form of mar­ket rese­arch in order to pro­mote their pro­ducts and ser­vi­ces. For these pur­po­ses the LESSOR may trans­fer the data to
third par­ties, ensu­ring at all times that such a sale will be held in accor­dance with legal requi­re­ments, and com­plying with secu­rity mea­su­res that gua­ran­tee con­fi­den­ti­a­lity.
c) It is gua­ran­teed to LESSEE, for free, the right to access, cor­rect and update their per­so­nal data direc­tly, or by wri­ting to the LESSOR and the right to oppose the use of them for the pur­po­ses set forth in the pre­ce­ding para­graph for the pur­po­ses direct mar­ke­ting or any other form of mar­ket rese­arch in order to pro­mote their pro­ducts and ser­vi­ces at the time of col­lec­ting your data and / or at any time, and the­re­fore to con­tact the entity res­pon­si­ble for pro­ces­sing per­so­nal data ;
d) In case of bre­ach of the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment by the LESSEE, your per­so­nal data may be dis­clo­sed or dis­clo­sed to third par­ties as neces­sary for the reco­very of los­ses inhe­rent in the breach.

Arti­cle 8. º (Law and Venue)

1. The Ren­tal Agre­e­ment shall be gover­ned in accor­dance with Por­tu­guese law.

2. All noti­ces to be made under the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment must be sent to the addres­ses given in the same, the par­ties recog­nize that must be con­si­de­red domi­ci­led agreed, for all legal pur­po­ses, for­cing her­self to com­mu­ni­cate any change to the other party.

3. In case of any dis­pute ari­sing from emer­ging issue of inter­pre­ta­tion or imple­men­ta­tion of the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment the par­ties elect as the juris­dic­tion of the dis­trict of Lisbon.

The Ren­tal Agre­e­ment shall be gover­ned by these terms and con­di­ti­ons. LISBSCOOT, Hat­fi­eld, reser­ves the right to change these terms and con­di­ti­ons without notice. The LESSEE decla­res that it accepts charge your cre­dit card used in the ini­tial pay­ment and the pay­ment of the bond, which direc­tly or indi­rec­tly relate to the ren­tal of the VEHICLE, even after retur­ning this.

The LESSEE sta­tes that by sig­ning the Ren­tal Agre­e­ment has also taken cog­ni­zance of all tariffs in force, the secu­rity and the appli­ca­ble deduc­ti­bles, and amounts to repair minor damage in VEHICLE.

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